Spirits of the Rockies Paranormal Conference
Buckle up para-fans! The CCPI team will be featured at the Spirits of the Rockies conference September 23-24, 2016 in Cheyenne, WY. Clarissa will be giving a presentation on "Science vs Pseudo-Science" and how it pertains to investigating and the CCPI team will be leading an investigation at a very haunted location!
For tickets and information, call 719-291-2409
We are very pleased to announce that Clarissa will be one of the featured speakers at The ScareFest Horror and Paranormal Convention in Lexington, KY September 12-14, 2014! This event is one of the largest in the U.S. with an estimated 15,000-20,000 people in attendance! We are so honored to be invited and excited to have the opportunity to share her knowledge with the public once again! For more information, please visit their website
Garfield County Libraries Local Author Expo
Our very own Clarissa Vazquez will be speaking at these great events!
Saturday, April 5, 2014; 2-4 PM
Rifle Branch Library
Monday, April 7, 2014; 6-7 PM (Hybrid Publishing: Traditional vs Self-Publishing)
New Castle Branch Library
Saturday, April 19, 2014; 10 AM - 12 PM
New Castle Branch Library
GhoStock Resurrection
The oldest paranormal convention in the U.S. is returning to Savannah, GA March 7-9, 2014! We are super-excited to be a part of this event!
Tickets and Information can be found on their website:
El Paso Para-Con, Featuring Paul Bradford's School of Paranormal Investigation
September 27-28, 2013
El Paso Museum of History
For Tickets and info: 915-351-3588