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The Colorado Coalition of Paranormal Investigators is known world-wide for conducting research projects utilizing the scientific method, thus proving paranormal investigation can be conducted scientifically! The research projects listed on this page are both current and former projects conducted by CCPI. All projects are copyright protected, but can be adopted by other organizations with expressed written permission from the CCPI Founder with the understanding that the project parameters will be strictly followed and data will be shared with CCPI for additional analysis. 

Quick Overview: To determine if fatal roadside crash locations resulted in Geographic Psychic Trauma (GPT) and residual hauntings or phantom hitchhikers.
Quick Overview: To determine if underground energy fields (Ley Lines) exist and if there is any correlation between the Ley Lines and ghostology, UFOlogy, and/or cryptozoology phenomena.

All reports, pictures, videos, EVP, and web content are the exclusive property of the Colorado Coalition of Paranormal Investigators. Any reproduction of these items is strictly prohibited without written permission from the Organization Founder. We don't rip off your stuff, why rip off ours? Copyright 2004 - 2024 Colorado Coalition of Paranormal Investigators. All rights reserved.​

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